You can try our products in all retail stores. Click here to see a list of all retailers.
By scrolling through our products or selecting the filter on the left side of the MATTRESSES page, you will very easily find a mattress with an extended warranty.
On the MATTRESS page on the left, select the filter ‚‚MATTRESS BASE‚‚ and the recommended products will appear.
Every complaint or objection we receive is reviewed by our Complaints Team and a response is sent to the end customer within the legal deadline.
We accept complaints on all aspects of the quality of our products that involve errors made in our factory.
We firmly believe that if all users of our products follow our recommendations, the likelihood of complaints will be minimal.
However, according to our quality policy, we are ready to listen, consider and resolve in the best way every individual complaint from the end user.
The lifespan of a mattress depends on several factors:
By browsing our products individually, you will very easily find which mattresses are recommended for turning and sleeping on both sides.
We also recommend 2-sided mattresses for summer / winter sleeping.
There is no correct answer to this question...
All three groups of mattresses - Bonnel core / pocket core / sponge core from the BONNELI program guarantee you a comfortable sleep and a good rest.
As with any product, the rule applies here: The higher the quality of the incorporated materials and applied technology, the better the product will be.
We have top quality products from all three categories in our program.
Finally, our team is always ready to recommend a specific mattress to you, upon personal inquiry and direct conversation.
We have a solution for these applications.
We develop and produce such products exclusively in cooperation with the end user and medical services authorized to give a strong recommendation for such mattresses.
Our standard partners-suppliers of raw materials are able to respond to all requirements in the field of products for medical use.
On the MATTRESS page on the left, with a simple filter selection, you can very easily find our recommendations for choosing a mattress for all users.
We will especially give a good recommendation if we know on which substrate and type of bed the user sleeps.